İçli Köfte/Combro ala Turki🤭/Stuffed Meatball Turkish Style
İçli Köfte/Combro ala Turki🤭/Stuffed Meatball Turkish Style

Hi everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, i̇çli köfte/combro ala turki🤭/stuffed meatball turkish style. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I’m gonna make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

İçli Köfte/Combro ala Turki🤭/Stuffed Meatball Turkish Style is one of the most popular of recent trending meals in the world. It’s easy, it’s quick, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions every day. They are fine and they look fantastic. İçli Köfte/Combro ala Turki🤭/Stuffed Meatball Turkish Style is something that I’ve loved my whole life.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can have i̇çli köfte/combro ala turki🤭/stuffed meatball turkish style using 21 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make İçli Köfte/Combro ala Turki🤭/Stuffed Meatball Turkish Style:
  1. 2 cups cracked wheat (ince bulgur)/biji gandum halus (ada dua jenis biji gandum, halus dan untuk nasi)
  2. 1/2 cup semolina
  3. 1 big size onion (or 2 small)
  4. 2 egg
  5. 2 tsp salt
  6. 1 tbsp tomato paste
  7. 4 stalks parsley leaf
  8. 2.5-2.75 cups hot water
  9. Ground Beef Filling (the inside)
  10. 600 gr ground beef
  11. 1 big onion
  12. 6 cloves garlic
  13. 3 tbsp oil for saute
  14. 1 tbsp tomato paste
  15. 1.5 tbsp oregano
  16. 1 tsp cumin
  17. 1.5 tsp salt
  18. 1.5 tsp black pepper powder
  19. 1 tsp paprika powder
  20. 1 tsp dry rosemary
  21. 7-8 stalks parsley leaf
Instructions to make İçli Köfte/Combro ala Turki🤭/Stuffed Meatball Turkish Style:
  1. Ground beef filling: Peel, wash, and dice the onion and garlic. Wash and cut the parsley leaf. Prepare the saucepan, heat it, and add the oil. Saute the onion till golden brown, add the garlic, keep sauteing till wilted./Isian daging giling: Kupas, cuci, bwg bombay & bwg putih potong dadu. Cuci, potong daun peterseli. Siapkan panci, panaskan, dan tambahkan minyak. Tumis bwg bombay hingga berwarna cokelat keemasan, masukkan bwg putih, tumis terus hingga layu.
  2. Add the ground beef, mix it, close the lid, and mix it every 5 minutes. Keep cooking for 20 minutes. Add the black pepper, paprika powder, cumin, tomato paste, and salt. Stir it and close again for 7 minutes./Tambahkan daging giling, campur, tutup, dan aduk setiap 5 menit. Teruskan memasak selama 20 menit. Tambahkan lada hitam, bubuk paprika, jintan, pasta tomat, dan garam. Aduk dan tutup kembali selama 7 menit.
  3. Add oregano, parsley leaf, and rosemary, mix it for 2-3 minutes, turn off the heat, and cold it./Tambahkan oregano, daun peterseli, dan rosemary, aduk selama 2-3 menit lalu matikan api, dinginkan.
  4. Wheat dough (the outer): prepare a big enough basin to mix all the ingredients. Put the wheat, semolina, and salt mix it evenly. Add the hot water, and make sure all the sand dough is wet. Close the basin and leave it for 15 minutes./Adonan biji gandum (bagian luar): siapkan baskom cukup besar untuk mencampur semua bahan. Masukkan terigu, semolina, & garam aduk rata. Tambahkan air panas, pastikan semua adonan pasir basah. Tutup baskom dan biarkan selama 15 menit.
  5. Check it with your hand; if it's cold enough, add the grated or mashed onion, tomato paste, egg, and chopped parsley. Mix all the wheat dough evenly mix. Take the dough as big as your fist and clenched it./Periksa dengan tangan Anda; Jika sudah cukup dingin, tambahkan bawang parut atau yg sudah dihaluskan, pasta tomat, telur, dan peterseli cincang. Campur semua adonan biji gandum hingga tercampur rata. Ambil adonan sebesar kepalan tangan dan kepal2.
  6. Clench it and opened it again, using another hand. Put the ground beef filling. Close the filling by adding a little more wheat dough to cover the ground beef filling and continue to clench and shape it oval./Kencangkan dan buka lagi menggunakan tangan lain. Masukkan isian daging giling. Tutup isian dengan menambahkan sedikit lagi adonan biji gandum untuk menutupi isian daging giling dan lanjutkan mengepal dan membentuknya lonjong.
  7. If you want to shape it like in the picture, use your thumb and pointing finger to more extended corners. Cracked the other egg in the bowl mix it using a fork and two pinches of salt. Dip the shaped dough with eggs, and fry it in deep-fry./Jika Anda ingin membentuknya seperti gbr, gunakan ibu jari dan jari telunjuk Anda untuk sudut yg lebih panjang. Pecahkan telur lainnya di mangkuk, campur dgn garpu & 2 jumput garam. Celupkan adonan yg sudah dibentuk dengan telur, goreng dengan deep-fry.
  8. İçli köfte is ready when both sides are cook. İçli köfte ready to serve accompanied by lettuce, lemon, and tomato to add deliciousness./İçli köfte siap jika kedua sisi dimasak. İçli köfte siap disajikan ditemani selada, lemon, dan tomat untuk menambah kelezatan. Bon Appetit! Selamat Menikmati!

So that is going to wrap it up for this exceptional food i̇çli köfte/combro ala turki🤭/stuffed meatball turkish style recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am confident you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!